Privacy Policy

Data Protection Policy

Data Controller:

  • Company Name: AQUILA CLUB PALMA, S.L.
  • Registered Office: Calle Torrent del Pi, No. 18, 43860 Ametlla de Mar (L’) – Tarragona, Spain
  • CIF: B72663586

Contact Information for the Data Protection Officer:
Email: [indicate email]

Purpose of Processing Personal Data: At AQUILA CLUB PALMA, S.L., we process the information provided by interested persons for the following purposes:

  • Management of inquiries made through the contact form on the website.
  • Sending commercial communications, if the user has given their consent.
  • Management of the commercial relationship and provision of contracted services.
  • Compliance with applicable legal obligations.

Legal Basis for Data Processing: The legal basis for processing your data is:

  • The execution of a contract if you contract services with AQUILA CLUB PALMA, S.L.
  • The consent of the interested party concerning the sending of commercial communications and responding to inquiries made through the contact form on the website.
  • Compliance with legal obligations applicable to AQUILA CLUB PALMA, S.L.

Data Retention: Personal data provided will be retained:

  • As long as the commercial relationship is maintained.
  • During the periods legally established for the fulfillment of legal obligations.
  • Until the interested party requests its deletion or revokes their consent.

Data Recipients: Data will not be transferred to third parties, except in cases of legal obligation or when necessary for the provision of the requested service.

User Rights: Any person has the right to obtain confirmation on whether AQUILA CLUB PALMA, S.L. is processing personal data concerning them. Interested persons have the right to:

  • Request access to personal data concerning the interested party.
  • Request its rectification or deletion.
  • Request the limitation of its processing.
  • Object to processing.
  • Request data portability.

Interested parties can exercise their rights by sending a written communication to AQUILA CLUB PALMA, S.L., Calle Torrent del Pi, No. 18, 43860 Ametlla de Mar (L’) – Tarragona, Spain, or via email to [indicate email], attaching a copy of their identity document.

Security Measures: AQUILA CLUB PALMA, S.L. is committed to complying with its obligation to maintain the confidentiality of personal data and its duty to safeguard it, and will take the necessary measures to prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorized processing or access, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Modifications to the Data Protection Policy: AQUILA CLUB PALMA, S.L. reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as industry practices. In such cases, AQUILA CLUB PALMA, S.L. will announce the changes introduced on this page with reasonable advance notice of their implementation.

Contact: For any questions regarding this Data Protection Policy, you can contact AQUILA CLUB PALMA, S.L. via email at or by postal mail at Calle Torrent del Pi, No. 18, 43860 Ametlla de Mar (L’) – Tarragona, Spain.

Date of last update: March 2024